From the archives at: Maniac High's Seduction Website

[Mrsex4unyc and Jake comment on Maniac's reaction to HB Blitz' bullshit!]

From mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d Sun Oct 10 08:02:13 1999
From: mrsex4unyc@aol.comedr4d (MrSex4uNYC)
Subject: Re: Event Report!: Follow up - HB Blitz shapes up after nasty email!
Date: 03 Oct 1999 13:01:35 GMT
Organization: AOL

>Event Report!: Follow up - HB Blitz shapes up after nasty email!
>For those of you following the HB Blitz Thread, I have a little 
>more to report on this.
>I posted up the story of our first meeting, and got very good 
>comments from zipjack (thank zipjack!), NYC and others, about 
>the type of girl she was, and how she might need to be treated to 
>get results. HB blitz is by far, one of the more interesting
>women I have ever gone out with, basically, because she likes
>to be handled/controlled/mistreated by guys, which is something 
>I am learning how to do, for when I meet girls like this, 
>I applied a bit of this tonight, with the follow results.
>Going back a week or two, after our meeting which I wrote that
>last report, I had sent her a message saying when we could 
>meet, and then I heard nothing. 

hehe ERROR... but you know that by now

>I had called once, and left a message once too somewhere in 
>that time. Again no response.

hehe ERROR... but you know that by now

>Then, two nights ago, I ran into her for a moment in that 
>`Roppongi' area I go to, when crossing the street. She took my 
>hand immediately, and then said sorry she didn't call, but she 
>couldn't get away from her boyfriend. I told her "I see, well, 
>when you get the chance"  (ERROR. but I just didn't expect to 
>meet her so suddently, and was not in `asshole' mode). I saw 
>her smile noticaebly darken immediately when I said that.. I 
>realized what I had just dont wrong.

you realize the SURFACE of what you had just done wrong.  what you DON'T
realize is that your DESIRE to fuck her clouded your judgement.  when you ran
into HB blitz in the street, she was already a... RETURNING FOX!  she
acknowledged that she was a returning-fox by telling you SORRY... SORRY...
SORRY... SORRY... get it?  she KNEW that she had fucked up on you.  she KNEW
that she was wrong.  she KNEW that you might tell her you never want to see her
again.  she KNEW she had to do something to get back in your favor.  she KNEW
you were going to make her pay the price for fucking with you... and YOU
DIDN'T!  she was alreadty a returning-fox.  you should have considered her
FINISHED by the time you ran into her on the street.  she ignored 2 attempts to
get in touch with her via 2 different media.  she THREW AWAY ops to be with
you.  she SHOULD have been a returning-fox when you ran into her again.

more important than that... SHE initiated kino with YOU!  she was BEGGING you
to TAKE HER RIGHT THERE!  now I am not saying she was INTERESTED in sex, but I
KNOW she was prepared to do whatever you TOLD HER TO DO in order to be back
with you.  she didn't HAVE to take your hand.  she didn't HAVE to apologize. 
she WANTED to be back in and wanted you to tell her what the PRICE was to get
back in.  that's the fun for her, being treated like a dog... but not only a
dog... a dog that should be GLAD to be YOUR DOG and should act accordingly or
the PRIVILEGE of being your dog will be revoked immediately.

personally, if I had gotten in this situation, as soon as she took my hand, I
would have walked her to the nearest secluded area and gone for the blowjob. 
if she didn't hand it over immediately, I would tell her she is a bullshitter
and don't call me ever again, and start leaving.  what's the use of a chick
that isn't going to suck your dick on demand... especially when she has a
boyfriend?  WHAT is she spending time with you for?  if you aren't getting
together for sex, then what is the purpose?  are you lonely Maniac?  I know I'M
NOT!  I know you aren't either.  if you want to TALK, you can meet a hundred
OTHER bitches to talk to just by walking down the crowded streets... and with
them, your chance of getting sucked off immediately is 50% as opposed to this
bitch that already met you and likes you, but isn't smart enough to solidify
her position with you by doing what she needs to do AND ALREADY DOES FOR

>Anyways, I recovered by sending the following email and after 
>2 weeks of ignoring me, it got me an answer within 2 hours (a 
>message she left on my machine full of apologies, and asking 
>my schedule.). 

D-O  N-O-T  F-U-C-K  T-H-I-S  O-N-E  U-P  T-O-O!

I know the first one wasn't your fault because you had no idea... NOW YOU DO! 
you have already demonstrated VALUE to her.  she is a returning fox and LOVES
to be subjugated.  don't TAKE her... just make her KNOW what she has to do for
you to get back in your good graces and she will PERFORM because that is her
position in life.  she is always BEHIND and making up for mistakes... like
catching her boyfriend fucking was HER FAULT and I'm sure she paid SEXUALLY to
get backin favor after such an ERRONEOUS BLUNDER!

>Very interesting. Anyways, here is what I sent her
>HB Blitz,
>I was surprised to see you yesterday, I had
>basically already given up on you when I
>saw you again like that..

that's always good.  timestretch her to NEVER SEEING HER AGAIN... that will get
her into action  :)

>Re; excuse about not contacting me. If you
>want to contact me, just go outside with your
>phone and call me or leave a message. I don't
>really care about whatever is happening with
>your BF or any other excuses that girls give
>when they don't answer a guy's message. I
>don't care about excuses, I don't take shit
>from chicks, I just go out with someone else
>instead who will make the time.. I dont' wait
>around, as I said..

exactly... fuck the excuses... waste MY time and you're THROUGH!

>However, whether you want to meet me or
>not, I expect you to RESPECT me and be
>straight and DIRECT, without the  "I am busy
>because of my boyfriend" EXCUSES. I just
>don't care, and he doesn't enter into this as far
>as I am is between YOU.and
>ME..ONLY. Treat me RIGHT if you are
>interested in ME.

this is a really good approach and I am incorporating it IMMEDIATELY into my
style.  FUCK THE EXCUSES.  the whole time I am thinking yeah-yeah anyway.  it
is a waste of MY TIME and her breath and it is really embarrassing that she is
groveling AND an insult that she thinks that she can explain away why a person
with 24-hour access to a phone did not leave you ONE message over 2 weeks...
REGARDLESS of whether you had left her messages or not.

no more excuses.  I will cut them off when they start telling me.  I am not
interested.  it happened. let's move on... OR NOT!  >:)

>Anyways, I am not in to playing telephone and
>email games. If you want to meet again, then
>make an EFFORT and contact me and if I got
>time, I will see you and you will be glad you

yup hahaha sweeet  :)

>Thats the deal.. The next move is yours. .
>---End Email
>Now, I have never ever written anything like this to a chick I 
>was trying to PU, and am absolutely shocked that it worked. 
>NYC and Zipjack were absolutely right. I am still not sure if 
>this is how my interaction with this chick should look like, or
>if I am still doing something wrong, regarding the advice they 
>gave, so I am looking for constructive pointers.

it was perfect.  the reason it was perfect is it SOUNDED like you were affected
by what she did to you, but your response to that feeling was NOT to get sappy
and beg her to be with you... but to get MAD that she was wasting your time and
AUTHORITATIVE to the point of NOT letting her waste ONE MORE SECOND of your
time.  also, you showed that you don't NEED her to go out with.  you were
extending her an OP to be with you that many other women would have loved to
have.  she is no golden bullshit :)  there are reasons that you want to spend
time with her and if you aren't getting those things from her... what's the
point of being with her at all?

SHE is trying to be with you... NOT the other way around.  YOU are the prize. 
you have demonstrated value and she has not.

you also forced her to make the effort to see you.  cognitive dissonance will
work it's magic  :)

>When it comes to meeting face to face, I guess, I have to be 
>more of a jerk, as that is about the only way she reacts well.

not a jerk.  just you are valuable... she is not.  you are amused by her and
like to play with her, but she has no particular value over ANY OTHER CHICK
with the same T&A.  you don't have to neg her.  just REALIZE your own value and
stop giving her TOO MUCH value because she is an asian with big tits :)

From Sun Oct 10 07:59:21 1999
From: Jake Thomson 
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: Event Report!: Follow up - HB Blitz shapes up after nasty email!
Lines: 49
Date: Sun, 03 Oct 1999 00:44:07 -0600

maniac_high wrote:

> Now, I have never ever written anything like this to a chick I
> was trying to PU, and am absolutely shocked that it worked.
> NYC and Zipjack were absolutely right. I am still not sure if
> this is how my interaction with this chick should look like, or
> if I am still doing something wrong, regarding the advice they
> gave, so I am looking for constructive pointers.

What wrong? You didn't act like an AFC and accept bullshit?
You were eminantly reasonable and fair. You have to
demonstrate the ideal that *YOU* are the prize. If she wants
to share in the goodies, she has to meet your expectations.

> When it comes to meeting face to face, I guess, I have to be
> more of a jerk, as that is about the only way she reacts well.

From what you posted Maniac, you failed to demonstrate jerk
at all. Unless you use F.J. Shark's definition, Just
Expecting Respect Kid. That you did quite well. It worked
too from what you said. IMHO, jerk = abusive asshole.
There's no need for that.

> Constructive comments/opinions welcome! I have never tried a
> PU from this angle before, and am working really in the dark on
> this one! More updates coming as this continues. Also stand by
> for the next outing report, where I tongue down and feel up HB
> Brains on our first night out, an 18 Y.O. HB I met last week in
> a disco (see last week's outing report).
> Bye!
> Maniac
> --
> Posted via Talkway -
> Exchange ideas on practically anything (tm).

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The first guy walks into a bar, the second one ducks.
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